Monday, July 26, 2010

Recess Renegade

According to RENEGADE, used as a noun, is a person who deserts a party or cause for another. RECESS? Well we all remember that 15 minute intermission from the joys of learning that gave us JUST enough time to scarf down a treat and hit the playground. Put the two together and you have the Recess Renegade!

I deserted health clubs long ago, and really, you don't absolutely need one. My solution to the: anti-gym, anti-monthly dues, anti-I'm paying for this dang membership, I need to start going, anti-Are you using those dumbbells?, anti-Can I work in with you?, anti-meat market from 6-8pm, is for you to become a renegade and come out for recess! I will post total body workouts that you can do without ANY equipment. If you've got a park or beach near your house with pull up bars, monkey bars, parallel bars, rings, bleachers, and rolling meadows, (or just a nice patch of grass), then stay tuned. Forget about "going to the gym". It's time to ditch that party and join the cause!

Where my renegades at?!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Kim! I've added it to my favorites and will be checking it out!
