Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Strength & Cardio Workout #1


Complete 10 rounds
1 set of all 5 exercises = 1 round
Perform exercises in the order listed below
Once you have performed all 5 exercises rest 1 minute then begin next round
After 10th round begin cardio portion of the workout

1. Body Weight Isometric Squat :30 - :60
Hold bottom position of the squat (top of thigh parallel to floor or below)

2. Isometric Push Up :30 - :60

3. Isometric Lateral Lunge :30 - :60
Hold bottom position of the lunge (top of thigh parallel to floor or below)

4. Burpees x 10 (NO push up)

5. Trunk Twists x 8 (8 right & 8 left)

100m stride x 5

Use the straight (100m) of a track for all repetitions
Stride/Run (70% effort) 100 meters
Active Rest (Immediately walk back to the start)
Once you return to beginning/starting line turn around and begin next stride

*CONDITIONING (Intermediate)
100m x 5
Use the straight (100m) of a track for all repetitions
Stride (85% effort) 100 meters in :16-:20 seconds
Active Rest (Immediately jog back to the start)
Once you return to beginning/starting line turn around and begin next stride
*Use a 3:1 work to rest ratio.
Example= finish stride in :20/jog back in 1 minute
= finish stride in :19/jog back in 57 seconds
= finish stride in :18/jog back in 54 seconds
= finish stride in :17/jog back in 51 seconds
= finish stride in :16/jog back in 48 seconds
Once you return to beginning/starting line turn around and begin next stride

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